Fast loading websites by UK web design firms

A slow loading website make your business lose customers. This is for the reason that customers are not always willing to wait much longer for your site to load and provide  desired results. Contracting UK web design firms help businesses in getting  fast loading websites. Web design firms in the UK ensure the use of least amount of images on your site. This does not mean  the look and feel of your site is compromised.

UK web design firms

UK web design firms

Web design firms in the UK help you decided on the images  relevant on your site. All images are optimized for the web. PNG, GIF and JPEG  image format are commonly used in optimizing images for the web. Additionally, in minimize size of images, the design companies choose the number of colors needed for your site from the color palette. The less colors they choose, the less the size of the image for your site. Online tools like GIF Wizard  are also used to optimize images for the web. Minimal amount of images help in making your site  load almost instantly.

Another technique used to enhance load speed of a website is making use of browser caches. The cache of a browser stores graphics and other files for a period of time. If available,  a web file will load immediately from cache instead of transferring over the nets. In achieving this, UK web design firms never put identical graphics in more than one folder or directory on your web server. If your site is to re-use same buttons and icons  repeatedly,  the design procedures by UK firms make sure that to call  images, they are from the same place.

Also UK web design firms base all  designs on static lean code. This practice use a combination of HTML and CSS techniques to give a fast loading websites. Using  a single external CSS file comes with great benefits. Thus, all your site CSS coding will be stored in one file. It will take much longer for the web page to load if a web browser has to read and download multiple CSS files on your site.

Other ways used in creating fast loading websites

  • Removing excess white space from coding.
  • Break up long pages into several shorter pages
  • Checking W3C standard validity and Load time regularly
  • Using Div tags instead of Tables
  • Using Text Links instead of graphic buttons
  • Minimal use of graphics, Flash and scripts

If you would need a website you should engage UK web design firms. They will provide you with an aesthetically pleasing interactive site designed with the focus of engaging your customers with fast loading.

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